[−][src]Macro frame_support::decl_event
macro_rules! decl_event { ( $(#[$attr:meta])* pub enum Event<$evt_generic_param:ident $(, $instance:ident $(: $instantiable:ident)? $( = $event_default_instance:path)? )?> where $( $tt:tt )* ) => { ... }; ( $(#[$attr:meta])* pub enum Event { $( $events:tt )* } ) => { ... }; }
Implement the Event
for a module.
Simple Event Example:
frame_support::decl_event!( pub enum Event { Success, Failure(String), } );
Generic Event Example:
trait Trait { type Balance; type Token; } mod event1 { // Event that specifies the generic parameter explicitly (`Balance`). frame_support::decl_event!( pub enum Event<T> where Balance = <T as super::Trait>::Balance { Message(Balance), } ); } mod event2 { // Event that uses the generic parameter `Balance`. // If no name for the generic parameter is specified explicitly, // the name will be taken from the type name of the trait. frame_support::decl_event!( pub enum Event<T> where <T as super::Trait>::Balance { Message(Balance), } ); } mod event3 { // And we even support declaring multiple generic parameters! frame_support::decl_event!( pub enum Event<T> where <T as super::Trait>::Balance, <T as super::Trait>::Token { Message(Balance, Token), } ); }
The syntax for generic events requires the where
Generic Event with Instance Example:
trait Trait<I: Instance=DefaultInstance> { type Balance; type Token; } // For module with instances, DefaultInstance is optional frame_support::decl_event!( pub enum Event<T, I: Instance = DefaultInstance> where <T as Trait>::Balance, <T as Trait>::Token { Message(Balance, Token), } );